Addressing Humans
Lets address what it means to be human.
Welcome to a place where humans share their stories.
The Good
The Bad
The Ugly
Please, submit your story today.
Written or Audio (for conversation) are welcome!
What has cost you the most?
The word that consumes my thoughts, STRESS.
Bailey Brooks 1/1/2022
Over the last 5 years, I have bought into so much bullshit and gotten nothing in return. I am no better off now than I was 5 years ago. All I have to invest is time, and it's not like that is endless. The economy is in the shitter... the pandemic is still in control... stress... stress... stress... UMM yes... I feel strain, tension, anxiety, concern and am often uneasy about my future. I worry about finances, my relationships, my kids. For Gawd dog! This causes aggravation, anger, annoyance, exasperation, irritation, and inevitably, trouble.
Doing Awkward Well
By Terry Dean
1. Causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with.
a. Deliberately unreasonable or uncooperative.
2. Causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience.
synonyms: embarrassing, uncomfortable, unpleasant,
delicate, ticklish, tricky, sensitive,
problematic, troublesome,
perplexing, thorny, vexatious;
3. Not smooth or graceful; ungainly.
synonyms: clumsy, ungainly, uncoordinated, maladroit,
graceless, ungraceful, inept, inelegant,
unskillful, unhandy, all
thumbs, gawky, gangling, blundering, lumbering, cloddish
4. Uncomfortable or abnormal.
"Make sure the baby isn't sleeping in an awkward position"